
Reading ‘Soros’, page 166

Secular: non religious. Maybe not quite atheist, but synonymous enough that I can reference it as such.



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adjective: secular

  1. 1. denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.”secular buildings”
  2. 2. CHRISTIAN CHURCH(of clergy) not subject to or bound by religious rule; not belonging to or living in a monastic or other order.
  3. 3. ASTRONOMYof or denoting slow changes in the motion of the sun or planets.
  4. 4. ECONOMICS(of a fluctuation or trend) occurring or persisting over an indefinitely long period.”there is evidence that the slump is not cyclical but secular”
  5. 5. occurring once every century or similarly long period (used especially in reference to celebratory games in ancient Rome).